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Emails to Primary School contacts - £319

Emails to Secondary School contacts - £249


Guarantee: if the response rate is lower than expected, we’ll re-write the ad and send it out again without charge.


Choose from either
Standard: One email a month for four months
Fast Track: Two emails a month for two months

Blast: Four emails over a four or five week period


â–º  Email tracking and analysis
â–º  A dedicated case handler

Guaranteed Four Emails' Campaign

Emails to Primary School contacts - £459

Emails to Secondary School contacts - £359


Guarantee: if the response rate is lower than expected, we’ll re-write the ad and send it out again without charge.


â–º  Lower prices and enhanced guarantees

â–º  Email tracking and analysis
â–º  A dedicated case handler

Guaranteed Six Emails' Campaign

The Velocity Programme 

From £395 a month

Send out up to five emails a month

â–º  Email tracking and analysis

â–º  Landing page development

â–º  A unique PR programme

â–º  Free research, consultancy and advice

â–º  Dedicated case handler & copywriter

One Off Email Campaign

From £35

Email us your copy, when you would like the email to be sent and to whom. Choose a list of contacts from our Education Database.

â–º  Email tracking and analysis
â–º  A dedicated case handler
â–º  Consulting/advice

Buy Data



You can buy our database of generic school addresses for your own multiple re-use for just £74.95.


The data comes over as a spreadsheet and separates primary schools from secondary schools and allows selection by county.

Payment By Results

Commission-based - Limited spaces available

â–º  A dedicated case handler
â–º  Consulting/advice

Spot and Dash

From £35

Email us your copy, choose a list of contacts from our Education Database, and we'll send out your advert within 24 hours.

â–º  Email tracking and analysis
â–º  A dedicated case handler
â–º  Consulting/advice

The Guarantee

No charge

If you don’t get the results you had hoped for from your advert then with both Velocity and the Four Emails' Campaigns our guarantee clicks in.


â–º  First we analyse where the problem is arising

â–º  Then we’ll re-write the advert or landing page

â–º  Finally when you are happy we’ll send out the
     email again, at no extra charge

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